Saturday, March 11, 2006

Nachiket Kapre

Nachiket is my brilliant classmate from the COEP days, now doing his PhD at Caltech. He is also/better known by a nickname, which in my native language means "duck". Don't miss the newly added duck section on his webpage .. I think it is priceless !


Anonymous said...

sahi :-))

Ajoy Nandi said...

as usual .. its awesome

CAR said...

hhah..hilarious...You should do more people from COEP..anything on the profs? Domkundwar? Mandke?

Ajay said...

LOL. I liked the duck section on Nachiket's page. Pun stuff.

Anonymous said...

too good.. but i still used to like the one that u had drawn in college -- the nose features are missing in this!! :)

Unknown said...

great observation! Nachiket's nose is really unique and I had captured it differently (and reasonably well I think) in the pencil version. but the final inked caricature doesn't do it much justice.

I did sketch Domkundwar and others when at COEP.. but to draw them again, I guess I would need their photos.

Piyush Sarode said...

Sahi :)

the Monk said...

whoa...dude, you drew that? You have talent...

CAR said...

Sameer, we need more!

Unknown said...

Thanks Varun.

of course, I'll have some update over the weekend.

Anonymous said...

sorry, I have no updates yet.

Wild Reeds said...

Awesome sketch! Just like a guy who used to work as a houseboy (ghargadi) in our building, whom everyone used to call 'badak'.